How much does it Cost in Singapore?
The price is typically between SGD 1000 and 2000 per area covered. You may need to consult with your doctor first, because each clinic, surgeon may have different pricing.What can it do for my body?
Coolsculpting which is also known in other medical terms as cryolipolysis is a brainchild of Zeltiq Aesthetics. It is a method which relies on the non-invasive cooling of the adipose tissue in order to induce the breakdown of fat cells without damaging other tissues in the body.The results are noticeable in about 2-4 months time where the patient experiences a reduction in fat. This procedure is done through the employment of a regulated cooling method which aims at the eradication of fat cells which are located beneath an individual’s skin. The freezing of the subcutaneous fat cells results in the reduction of fat cells without causing any harm to the skin.